After years of pitching and hard work, we launched our 'Dance on Prescription' initiative in September 2021. A massive thank you to the over 20 funders who have believed in our work and who have been as passionate as we are that socially prescribing a person to dance may be complimentary or, in some cases, a better model than medication.
This work has provided Essex-based link workers and GPs a holistic way to prescribe 'medication' through the joy of dancing. Prescribers have become what we call 'DNA Hosts' and have been given ‘Dance on Prescription’ referral cards to pass to patients for 12 weeks of FREE dancing activity in one of our classes.
The people that have been prescribed into our dance programmes are those that require the most support to improve their mental and physical health and well-being post-Covid. As all our community classes already sit under a 'dance for health' umbrella, many participants can be easily referred to specialist dance classes to support their lived conditions and ailments further, all meeting DNA's core mission and values.
Over the year 2021/22
439 dance cards were given to DNA hosts to socially prescribe.
Therefore, we commissioned Shabnam Sagar and Vanessa Baxter School of Health and Social Care University of Essex, who have been independently evaluating our programme to look at whether our work:
It is a benefit to people with Parkinson’s and dementia.
It supports people to reconnect with their community, be less socially isolated and engage better with programmes.
Improves physical health, reducing NHS costs.
Some of our findings:
People enjoy the dance sessions a great deal.
“They are fun, something to look forward to and feel better after. The dance teachers have done a grand job with such a variety of movements and the coffee and biscuits are a treat too. I have made new friends and am pleased I joined. Thank you.”
Older participants’ physical health and mobility and balance have improved between the baseline and follow-up surveys.
Over half of the participants in the baseline survey said that their mobility and sense of balance was worse than before Covid and lockdowns. Just over 70% of those answering the follow up survey said that their mobility and sense of balance was a lot better than before Covid and lockdowns. This indicates that people’s sense of mobility and balance has improved between the time points
The dance sessions have helped many older participants to stay physically fit and to improve their fitness.
"Loved it - absolutely loved it, 20 [out of 10] I would say! Meeting everybody. Personally thoroughly enjoyed breathing exercises and having a good laugh. Makes me feel better in myself. Since I've been going dance and walking my new dog I’m so much fitter. Done me the world of good."
The level of older participants’ loneliness has reduced, and the sessions have helped many people to socialise with others.
“I love coming because I've met new people/ meet new friends and it gets me out go the house.”
As a 'DNA Host': your role would be to advise your member/patient about our activity by providing them with one of our flyers, directing them to the website or passing on our telephone number (due to the cost of the living crisis we have removed fees for our classes and therefore a Dance Card is not required to attend).
The community member/ your patient would then need to call us on 07490 37 47 17 or email: to discuss with them the service you have recommended and ensure they have been offered the class which will best suit their needs.
The member will then be enroled to attend classes.
If you would like to be a 'DNA host' give our team a call/email to sign you up to start referring community members to dance activities. See below for which services you can refer to.
If you have found this page as you have already been referred by a 'DNA Host' (your GP, Link Worker, Teacher or community service) and are viewing this page to see what classes we offer; please take a look around and then give us a call to discuss your needs and we will ensure you are placed in the most appropriate class.
We look forward to dancing with you!
T: 07490 374 717
Dancing with Parkinson's
Our 'Dancing with Parkinson's' programme offers dance and movement sessions that are appropriate for those living with Parkinson's and anyone living with a neurological condition, heart or circulatory disease. We are proud that this programme not only delivers a high-quality dance experience for the participants but also allows their companions if they wish to experience it alongside them.
Sessions run for 1.5 hours in total which includes a 45 - 60 minute dance class and concludes with a social over tea & coffee.

Good Grads Company
The Good Grads Company was formed from the success of the Good Company, which was delivered in 2023 with Green Candle Dance Company, Sinfonia Viva, Orchestra Live, and Arts Exchange. It was a programme collaboration with multi-disciplined art forms to create movement, music and storytelling with 8-10 couples, specifically for those living with dementia. The same group are now continuing weekly activity with DNA, along with new members we approach. We will be collaborating with Sinfonia Viva again; two musicians and will use expertise and props from Arts Exchange to use in DNA sessions to support dance, theatre and reminissance.
This means in each session there is a colead 1x Dance and 1x Movement practitioner and for some sessions 2 musicians.

Intergenerational Dancing
These classes bring together people from all generations and walks of life.
Participants shared their stories and experiences whilst exploring the dance space, connecting with one another and moving creatively.
As well as dancing as a group, the individual dance developed their own strength, balance, coordination and encouraged a healthy physical development and preservation of the muscles and joints through taking part in the activity.

Dancing with Dementia
'Dancing with Dementia’ classes offer a chance for participants to experience creative movement and dance with their companions. Classes focus on stimulation of the brain through movement, repetition, props and musical timelines. These factors offer the opportunity to keep the mind alert whilst also unlocking support for general well-being.
Sessions run for 1.5 hours in total which includes a 45 - 60 minute dance class and concludes with a social over tea & coffee.
Dancing for Older Adults
Our Dance for Older Adult classes welcomes anyone who identifies as being in the older age range. By combining dance and movement in a sociable, enjoyable, and welcoming environment, these sessions can help you remain mobile and feel the very positive effects that dance can provide for both body and mind.
We combine seated and standing activities and use props to help extend your range of movement so that everything we do can be adapted for you and your physical ability and confidence.
Sessions run for 1.5 hours in total, which includes a 45 - 60 minute dance class and concludes with a social over tea & coffee.

Dancing with Families
Our AWARD WINNING programme ‘Family Dance’ programme (Essex Prize Challenge winners April 2017) has proven a reduction in social isolation with parents and carers with children between the ages of 1 -5 years of age and an increase in general health and well-being.
Our Dancing with Families classes welcome children aged 1 to 5 years old and their adults, with the aim of being able to dance, learn and have fun together. We design activities which promote and support bonding as a family, whilst also using dance, music, props and games to socialise and interact with others. Our sessions prioritise you and your child’s creativity and inquisitiveness, providing a valuable opportunity for you both to explore the world around you. The aim is to empower your individual expression and support your child’s growing confidence and independence as part of their healthy development.