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Chrissie's reflections of our Social Dis-Dancing Day 30 April 2020

Hello everyone,

Firstly, I hope you are all well and managing to stay happy and healthy during these times.

Following last week's DNA Social Dis-dancing day, I would like to share my thoughts and comments about the day with you all.

It was wonderful to see the DNA team all in one place - due to the nature of our work, it is rare we are able to all see one another in the same space. Since the get together, the team are in discussion about meeting weekly or biweekly, which can continue until the Autumn and could potentially be a tool in which the team regularly check in once we are in the live space again. Thank you for your time, thoughts, comments and feedback - we are looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

The interactive family session led by Bobbie Gargrave, took our families on a creative adventure under the sea. We had a total of 13 families join us via Zoom, and the session was fun, engaging and creative - the team really enjoyed seeing families and new faces in the session and hope you are continuing your under the sea adventures at home.

‘My daughter didn't know what to expect and she is loving it, so thank you for organising’ Parent quote

Over 20 artists signed up for the Artist Tea on our social dis-dancing day. It was so brilliant to talk and check in with one another, and for what felt like such a positive hour - it was short but required. Artistic Director, Gemma Wright, has since kick started a ‘Lets meet for a coffee’ each week. This will be an opportunity to check in with Gemma virtually with artists living and working in Essex, which hopefully will become a face to face meet up biweekly once we are able to beyond COVID-19.

Due to time constraints last week Gemma and I only got through one challenge, so we will take this learning forward and try and theme each coffee meet around a particular area to discuss. Hopefully this will enable those to discuss in depth and learning from another - and most importantly feel supported during this time. If you are an artist who would like to come along to our ‘Let’s meet with coffee’ please do get in touch Gemma or I (our details are below).

‘Thank you so much for providing us the opportunity to network and listen to how others are coping with COVID-19’ Artist

During our Let’s Go Tokyo teachers conversation, we had really positive chats – it was wonderful to see all your faces and hear all your thoughts. I have begun to collate all of the information we discussed and we will put together the best plan of action for the future of the programme based on your feedback. All of the team realise as teachers there is so much for you to be thinking about at the moment to get our students through these weeks, so thank you for joining in the discussion – it was invaluable. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us – we hoped you thoroughly enjoyed dancing. We are eager to hear from you about what you would like, and what you thought of the day.

And a big thank you to the delivery team…

Last week was truly special and Gemma and I thank you all and I thank you all for making it a day in history for DNA #Covid19. Thank you for your energy and time to quickly get things together, and for taking risks with us into the virtual world for the first time live.

Something our Artistic Director has done to keep her smiling during these times;

Write down 10 things in your life that give you JOY! Maybe be creative get them to stand out on paper and stick them somewhere you can see them every day to be reminded. Mine are in my office, but you could choose your fridge your bedroom mirror etc.

So, 10 things… mine as an example are Disney World, moving my body, having a clean house, fresh bed linen, hearing my son laugh etc

So, the idea is that once you identify these things you should aim to include them in your life EVERYDAY! Not each joyful thing but 1 or a few each day and I promise you will go looking for joy in each day and you will have a happier and more positive outlook.

You may not be able to do the things everyday that you used too for example I cannot visit Disney World right now but I can snuggle up on the sofa with my 3 year old and cry and ‘laugh’ at a good Disney film, and that’s two of my ‘Joy’ list right there!

Let me know if you use this and found it helpful?

(For more tasks such like this see Rachel Hollis company for their Next 90 Days Challenge)

If you would like to get in contact Gemma or I, please find our details below.

Stay happy, healthy and keep dancing!

Chrissie xx

Artistic Director - Gemma Wright,

Programme Manager, Chrissie Moore

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